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Welcome to Cambridge Early
Learning Centre!

Cambridge Early Learning Centre is a community early childhood centre catering for children from birth until school age.

"An asset the community is proud of"

If you are looking for the ideal early childhood centre for your child we are proud to offer The Castle which provides an environment that is welcoming, warm and friendly for children from young infancy until 3 years of age. Experienced teachers who are nurturing and supportive work within our dedicated Nursery Room (for 0-18 months) as well as our Toddler's Room (for 18 months-3 years).

In August 2006 The Pagoda was opened, this is a purpose built environment catering for children aged 3 to 5 years of age.  The Pagoda offers a delightfully sensory and well-resourced learning environment to extend the opportunities for children’s play, learning and development. Children’s strengths and interests are encouraged and explored, acknowledging the children’s talents and capabilities.

Cambridge Early Learning Centre operates an 'Open Door' policy.

The Castle

The Pagoda

Promoting strong learning relationships is a key focus for teachers.  They skilfully notice, recognise and respond to children's learning.  Oral language is well supported through open-ended questions and children's desire to inquire and be curious.  Children's preferences are respected by teachers as they choose to play alongside their peers, with adults and independently.

ERO Report 2020

What makes us unique?

Latest News

December 2024

Yay Summer has arrived and we are off to a great start with some beautiful, warm days.  The countdown is on until Santa comes, and there is lots of fun to be had before then. 

Wednesday 4th December - Last day for Cookie Time cookie bucket orders.

Friday 6th December - Children's Christmas Party, between 6.00 - 7.30pm. 

Update to December newsletter:  What an absolutely fantastic night we all had at the Christmas Party, thank you all for coming.  A HUGE THANK YOU to SERVICE FOODS - CHEF READY MEATS for sponsoring the sausages for our BBQ, these were so yummy and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.  HUGE THANKS AGAIN to VEGE FRESH CAMBRIDGE for sponsoring the bread and onions  - we are grateful for your continued support.

Tuesday 24th December - The Centre is open from 8am to 2pm, then it's time to go home and get ready for Santa.

Wednesday 25th December - Christmas Day, we hope you enjoy this special day with your families.


Wednesday 8th January 2025 -  Happy New Year!!  The Centre re-opens at 7.30am.

- Since 1976 -